Mandarin Clinic

Mandarin clinic is a Chinese traditional medical clinic, is guaranteed by Ministry of Public Health since 2011 and operated by Dr.Thaninthorn Anuntasoraruk (Dr.Orm), a licensed acupuncturists who has extensive advanced training in Beijing University of Chinese Medicine 北京中医药大学 and China-Japan Friendship Hospital 中日友好医 Since 2005.In addition, Dr.Thaninthorn had studied a higher degree and is certified Cosmetic Acupuncture (Acupuncture Face Lift) Specialist with Gold Acupuncture Needles and the traditional medical Chinese Herbs treatment for anti-aging, skin problems, women’s Health, weight Loss, longevity and beauty etc., from Beijing senior Training School of Chinese Medicine and Pharmacology 北京高等中医药学校. For her studies and training for 6 years, Mandarin Clinic is established by Dr.Thaninthron’s vision for the significance of health care and therapeutic advantages of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture.

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Mandarin Clinic is now open for General Physical Examination, Acupuncture, Guashua, Herbal Sauna, Cupping, Acupressure Massage and Chinese Herbs, Balancing Hormone inside body, fertility for childbirth, Cosmetic Acupuncture for face and body skin etc. Most importantly, the acupuncturists here have the special techniques for all ages patients depended on each case. If the patient is afraid of needles, we’ll cure by Herbal Sauna instead.

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             For the first step, the acupuncturist initially performed the general physical examination by checking the acupuncture points on the hands, which traditional Chinese culture defines as the “energy of life” called “qi” that is the natural treatment of traditional Chinese medicine, to diagnose health’s problems. Also combine the treatment of Chinese Herbs, Acupuncture, Acupressure Massage or Cupping.

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“Daniela Katzenberger” Celebrity from Germany Production for her reality show

at Mandarin Clinic Rama2

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** Mandarin Clinic is guaranteed by Dr.Thaninthorn Anuntasoraruk, a licensed acupuncturists who has extensive advanced training with professional acupuncturists team. We provide quality of medical care for your health with the safety in every medical process. We’re ready to be medical advice for all patients, diagnose, and provide the medical care for all of you. For more information or if you have some suggestion, please contact Mandarin Clinic’s clinical service, tel. 080-600-9591